When a person is thinking about the problem of their overweight, and has not yet decided on a diet, then it is worth opting for a plant, as many experts believe. A diet with vegetables does not harm the body, but, on the contrary, saturates it with vitamins and useful minerals, removing toxins and toxins from it.
What tasks does the diet satisfy?
Basically, people who want to lose weight are concerned about the following aspects.
How to get rid of excess weight and how not to harm yourself: do not look exhausted and do not cause negative health consequences.
With the desired result achieved, try to keep it, without quickly returning to its original shape.
A diet with vegetables meets these requirements.
Vegetables are good for health: they are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases and all kinds of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
After completing the diet, the lost pounds do not return to the person immediately, because when this is noticed, the body was not in a state of stress (starvation and exhaustion).
The essence of a plant-based diet
Its main principle is to consume about one and a half kilograms of various vegetables every day and to ban meat. Moreover, nutritionists are calling for a variety and expansion of the range of herbal products used in every possible way.
You should not "sit" only on raw vegetables, you can make soups, stews, salads and fresh juices from them. Add oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese and yoghurt to your diet.
It is important not to overeat at the same time, so dividing your daily food supply into 5-6 meals will make it easier to cope with a lack of fatty and sweet foods.
Remember to drink enough fluids (up to two liters a day). It is better to give preference to regular drinking water and green tea.
The duration of the diet
Each person is guided, above all, by how many pounds he wants to lose. It should be understood that too dramatic a loss is undesirable for health.
Experts recommend using a plant-based diet for at least a week, but not more than a month. The best seasons for this purpose are summer and autumn. During this period, the vegetables are fresh and will benefit the most from them.
But even at a time when no diet is followed, vegetables should not be forgotten. Vegetables must be included in the diet, also because they are the main source of fiber.
The role of fiber in the body
Fiber is dietary fiber, a common term that includes substances of different composition and properties.
Insoluble: lignin and cellulose - components of plant cell walls;
Soluble: they include polysaccharides: hemicellulose, gums, mucus and others. These substances form a kind of gel mass that undergoes microbial fermentation in the large intestine.
An important role of fibers is to clean the intestines, they can be compared to a brush that thoroughly cleans everything unnecessary that sticks to the walls.
In addition, it inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates, normalizing the amount of sugar in the blood. This reduces hunger, helping you not to gain extra pounds.
It is believed that on average a person should consume an average of 35-50 g of fiber through food. But such a norm is seldom respected.
Balanced diet with fiber
Experts advise adhering to the following rules:
- Eat at least three fruits a day (for example, apples, pears);
- Eat whole grain bread
- Be sure to eat two to three servings of vegetables throughout the day;
- Eat oatmeal at least twice a week (preferably in the morning);
- Legumes in the diet should be two to three times.
Possible problems
Not all people can tolerate fiber well. The measure must be followed, because excess dietary fiber can cause flatulence (bloating).
This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that bacteria living in the colon are actively involved in the work. They are involved in the breakdown of fibers, and at the same time methane and other gases are released.
It is important to understand that it is necessary that the fibers do not stagnate in the intestines, but to fulfill their main role, it is necessary to actively move, because a sedentary lifestyle significantly reduces its positive effect on the body.